The community has spoken—our research informs our new campaign:  A Place To Grow

08 MARCH 2019

These are the tools that will be made available to the Units as part of the campaign

Over 1500 people were involved with the goal of capturing positive and negative feedback from the community to inform strategies to help us retain and recruit members, and ensure our long-term sustainability. 

What did it tell us?  

Our major finding was the reason people join, isn’t always the reason people stay. We need to adjust our communications strategy to adapt to the different stages of recruitment, management and retention of girls and volunteers, in order to meet their changing requirements. 
Any future work needs to be based on the following major organisational goals: 

  • Curb the decline in Girl Guide and adult membership immediately
  • Reduce attrition
  • Ensure a sustainable and relevant future

What is the solution?

We have determined criteria the strategy needs to address. These are: 

  • To reduce the load and provide more practical support for Units 
  • Consider the journey – why people join is not why they stay 
  • To articulate a relevant message about what Girl Guides can offer
  • Leverage the collective power of the community
  • Speak to our decision makers (not just the girls)
  • Promote the overarching brand 
From these criteria we have developed a program that focuses on the retention and management of Girl Guides, volunteers and adult members, and we believe it has the foundations to unite, support and help us grow. The campaign is called A Place To Grow.
It will roll out across the NSW and the ACT, telling the story of girls, parents and volunteers, and why being a Girl Guide is a great idea. Stay tuned!



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